Check out some of our 'inventions' below :-)
It is a chocolate village with walking and talking people. Its infinte. My lollie is's succulent, chewy, and oozes its sour for 3 seconds. It's also calmirized. We get our candy from Himalis. Please willy wonka like this please!
Signed candymakers Inc.
Jason Room 24
If I worked in Willy Wonkers factory I would make never ending icecream it has 10 flavers Blueberry with sticky crunchy gummy bears. And tiny mabels filled with chocolate dirt and dark cholate wiggling worms. If bees had wings that made never ending choclate birds filled with chewy grass. And blaoons made of chewy crunchy light flaved caramel with people pooing candy.
Henry Room 24
Have a slis of worde. It's worme to tache, but freezing to ete. It diserperis in your math after 10 sekins. It's tatis like storbrey, lemin, oring. Yame rertis. What do you make it with. Caramel, choclit, rotes and cream all mixed to gether. It's sweet. Look some lefis. Ther made from likrish ising, shoger, it's lemine. It's sweit. It's like a flower.
Madeleine Room 10
Great writing everyone. Enjoy your experiences with writing in your Hukanui 'Write On'. This is fun learning
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of fabulous writing today guys. I just love the story of Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and I'm not surprised it got you all excited to write!
ReplyDeleteHi Lyn and Megan, yes we really enjoyed doing our Willy Wonka Invention Class and there was a real buzz around the room about our favourite treats and what we could invent if we had the chance. A great activity to build imaginations and creativity.