CRASH went Dr Winky Wonky Stonky Moo as he smashed open the vault. He was trying to turn all the money into air as he is stupid and didn't know what all the money is for. He knew it was useful. The super hero Master McGoo had the powers of a stuffed turkey. His side kick on the other hand could stop a super nova with the nitch of his pinky toe. The good Dr Winky Wonky Stonky Moo's nickname built the machine. The double tremendous duo destroyed the machine and took the money themselves. So its kinda like their the criminals. Stay in school kids or this story is what will happen to you!
WHOOSH went the racing car zipping down the track the people were a blur I felt as if I was going to be sick. 'Are we going to crash?' said Finn I said 'I don't know I hope we don't because we are coming first'. One more lap I see the checkered flag 'We are going to win!' 'I know we can do it' said Finn and then before I knew it I crossed the line. I could hear the people cheering for me. The cup conveyer-belt started to bring the cup out. 'Is that the cup?' 'I'm glad I won that' I said. I was so happy that I won that cup.
CRASH as I run into the big big tree. It's huge like huge. I am so dizzy. As I fall on the ground I loose my vision, I hear cars go past me they are not helping me. I hear lots of things going past. Now I can't hear anything at all. I have broken bones everywhere. When I crash into the tree the tree shook but did not fall. When I woke up I found myself in the hospital. My whole family was there even the ones that I don't know. I feel so happy that I'm alive.
ZAP as a UFO appeared out of the sky it shot laser bullets at me, ahhh my mouth and eyes are on fire. I have to find water, yes WaterWorld is down the road. Ah Ha I will steal that granny's mobile scooter. Vroom vroom faster faster NO! It's out of gas and the UFO is right behind me. I am finally at WaterWorld, wait a minute the only pool that's open is the deepest one and you are only allowed to jump from the highest platform. Belly flop! Ouch how come I can read the signs and look around? Wait a minute my eyes were not on fire, oh nuts!
SMASH He loses control. Bang all the windows shatter. He lost consciousness. His head is throbbing its like a firework exploding POP BANG BOOM! He opened his worried eyes wondering what on earth had happened. He saw people surrounding him his brain was totally fine but his body was not active. In his head he was yelling 'help please! Someone quickly realised he was in a lot of pain. Boom...............boom.......................boom...........his heart stopped beating.
ZAP!!! A shock wave of lightening shook through me. I gasp for air. Distance noises lurk. My arm scrapes along the curved bumpy concrete. I wake up again gasping for more of natures air. I look around. I'm in hospital! 'Phew I'm ok!' Sweat runs dribbling down my neck 'I'm ok, I'm ok' I try turning over but it hurts. Oh dear I say in my head. I think, I think,I sweat, I sweat I murmur. 'I got zaped by lightening' I yell. The nurse speeds in the room. She calms me down and says everything will be ok.
ZAP 'killer koalas from out of space are attacking' The Professor said 'We must destroy them' a little baby said 'You can't destroy them they are only cute fluffy koalas'. 'We must destroy them they will rip off your face' said The Professor. 'Fire the missile' said The General. Then the missiles hit the koalas but the koalas kept marching. 'The missiles have no effect on them' said my mum. 'Fire the potatoes' said The General. Then the potatoes hit the killer koalas but they kept marching. 'Potatoes have no effect on them either!' Said my mum. 'Were doomed' said The General (his face was ripped off) 'Is this the end?' I said. 'Were doomed' said The General. 'Is this the end?' I said. 'Were doomed' said The General. 'Is this the end?' I said. 'Were doomed' said The General. 'Is this the end?' I said. 'Yes!!' Said the killer koala.
SWISH. The basketball went through the net. 'Nothing but the net' said the commentator. '3 pointer!' I yelled. We were down by 5. I shoved Kobe Bryant and got the ball back and got another 3 pointer. 20 seconds to go Gasol ran the ball up, he took a shot but Wade blocked the shot and got the ball. 7 seconds to go Wade passes to me. 5 seconds to go I took the shot. 3....2.....1 sadly we didn't get it. At least it was only a game!