Sunday, 16 June 2013

The senses

Welcome to Monday the 17th June. Today we had an interesting writing challenge that was all about our senses and DESCRIBING. The challenge with this was each of the students were put into pairs and went along to the 5 stations one by one (smell, touch, taste, see & hear) the idea was to use the appropriate sense to DESCRIBE the item. There was two items per sense.

Taste we had - almond icing fondant & savoury potato sticks

Smell we had - vanilla essence & Hawaiian tropics tanning lotion

Sight  we had - a soapstone sculpture & a colourful cow photo holder

Touch we had - a wooden handmade babies rattle & a woollen knitted toy monkey

Hear we had - to think of a sound and describe it. Each student chose their own sound. Some sounds included a dogs bark, rain drops falling and a trumpeting elephant.

This was a good challenge for the students as they needed to think about describing the items with only using the one sense.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can see an intense look of concentration on your faces thinking about each of those senses. I'm going to trying and sneak a peek into those writing books of yours - I can't wait to read what is in there!

    Mrs H
